
Saturday, 28 July 2012

Being Sensitive.... #indispensable!

There are a lot of things happening around us. Some affects us, some don't. in either of the cases being aware that there is something happening and being considerate towards the ones affected is essential.
Why kill the human inside you. In today's scenario there are a lot of people who would ignore a situation saying 'it is not my business', good, good that it is not your business and brilliant that you are not the one affected. But, Pause, pause and think, what if you were. What if you were the one affected and someone else said, ' Dude, why the hell should i care? It isn't my business'.

Get over it. get over the fact, rather an illusion that nothing is ever going to affect you, Being optimistic is good, but being over confident is not. You never know what, when, where might go wrong. I am not saying and you shouldn't expect that if you were sensitive towards A's problem , even A should be sensitive towards you, he is not bound to. But, the point here is if each one thinks that way, it makes the situation worse. Do your bit, and forget about it. We are not judges, neither do we have time for analysis, but we do have an inner self. We are answerable, not to the world, but to our own self. When at night you go and sleep, it shouldn't bother you that you were insensitive. If it is in your ability and capacity why not help someone in need, or rather just be sensitive towards him.

A small example from my own life: one day i took a rickshaw to go across the street, to a mall, hardly a kilometer (may be less than that, i am bad at measuring distances), it was extremely hot, and when i say extremely, i mean somewhere around 45-47 degrees, I had it in my heart that whatever amount the person says, i would pay (if i could go to that mall and shop for thousands, why can't i give this poor man 20-30 bucks extra?) the rickshaw guy was genuine, he asked only for what was the usual amount. I  was accompanied by someone, and suddenly i insisted that i pay 20 bucks over and above the amount he asked for, because it was too hot to pull the rickshaw.The person who accompanied me was against the thought that we should pay extra, because this is something he does daily and for 10 hours a day, and me paying him 20 rupees extra won't help. I was shaken, shaken for the fact that actually the extra money would not have helped him as much as the bottle of chilled water i could buy from that money would. I bought water and gave it to him , and the rickshaw guy stared a me for 2 minutes and just din't know what to say. He gulped down the ice cold water and kept the bottle safely in his rickshaw, thanked me and went away.

The point here is not to highlight what i did, but to think why can't we do this as many times as possible during the day. I am sure if we have the resources which enable us to use technology and read this blog right now, we definitely have to capability and ability to go out and help some one. Not only by money, Just be sensitive, sensitive towards the environment, people, family and your inner self.

And trust me, when you go to sleep each day, you would have that satisfaction, that atleast you are doing you bit.